Nutrition And Dental Implants: Foods To Eat And Avoid During Healing By Dr. Andrew Kelly Winston-salem NC

Nutrition And Dental Implants: Foods To Eat And Avoid During Healing By Dr. Andrew Kelly Winston-salem NC

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Implants for dental purposes are a sought-after and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They offer a long-lasting and natural-looking option. Although they have an impressive success rate, there are instances where complications can arise. Being aware of indications of failure in dental implants earlier is vital for making sure you are taking care of your mouth as well as the long-term durability of your implants.

Persistent Pain And Discomfort

It's normal to experience some discomfort following your dental implant surgery, however this will subside in several days. If you experience persistent pain or discomfort weeks or even months following the procedure this could be an indication that something is wrong. It could be a sign of issues such as infection, damaged nerves, and improper implant placement.

Unusual Swelling And Inflammation

Swelling is common following implant surgery, however it is expected to decrease gradually. If inflammation and swelling continue or become more severe after the healing process, this could be a sign of an infection or other issues. Tenderness, redness, and the presence of pus around the implants are all clear indications that you should seek help from your dentist as soon as possible.

Loose Or Shifting Implant

An implant that is properly placed should feel secure and function like natural teeth. If your implant feels loose or starts to shift, it's a strong indication that the implant is not integrating with the bone correctly. This situation requires prompt attention from your dentist to prevent further complications.

The Dr. Andrew Kelly is a seasoned implant dentist, suggests that the early detection of symptoms is crucial to address issues before they become grave. Regular check-ups and open contact with your dentist is vital to ensure the condition of the implants.


If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to seek assistance from your dentist as quickly as you are able. The early intervention is often able to resolve issues with minimal discomfort, and prevent the failure of your dental implant. For more details make sure you click on this link Dr. Andrew Kelly winston-salem NC.

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